Welcome to ajmccauslandmusic.com, AJ's little corner of the web built to connect with you, a fan of funky, blues rock music. 

A few ground rules to keep us all in the groove...

We allow non-flash photography at our shows unless overridden by the venue, promoter or other artists' guidelines. 

We are completely down with you taking video for your personal enjoyment. In fact we would love for you to share your photos or video with us to help promote the music and are more than happy to credit them to you. We do ask that videos be kept for your own enjoyment and that neither the audio nor video is ever sold. And again, the terms of videography may be overridden by the venue, promoter or other artists on the bill.

Want to share a pic or video? Send it to thegroove@ajmccauslandmusic.com or reach out on the contact page to arrange a different method of delivery. 

All sales are final when you check out. If there is an error during your transaction we will work diligently with our merchant processors to resolve the situation. 

Now let's get back to the music...